May 9, 2023

How are our bodies affected by what is in and around us? And furthermore; do foreign bodies affect our biofield and our health? By Dr. Glen Rein


As many as 50% of all the cells in our body belong to the Microbiome and are therefore not human cells.

Scientists used to think that cells from microorganisms and human cells co-habitated in the human body. Now we know these two cell types communicate with each other and can influence each other by chemical and electrical signals. Microorganisms can be beneficial or harmful, but both types use the same methods to communicate with each other and our cells.

Frequency information, described in the previous memo, can not only influence our cells, but also the microorganisms in our body. Numerous studies have shown that external EM fields harm or kill microorganisms and are therefore antimicrobial. Since microorganisms are living biological systems, they emit EM and other types of energy into the extracellular space surrounding all cells and eventually end up in our biofield. The biofield is the accepted scientific term for all the different types of energy that exist in our body and is composed of frequency information from both human cells and microorganisms. Since water has the ability to store this information in coherence domains within water at the atomic level, our body and our biofield haver a complex mixture of different type of energies and different frequencies.

Since all cells have the ability to read this information and respond to it, all the energies of the human body are available to help heal the body in times of need. Thus, cells that are ill can absorb the frequencies they need. Ill or damaged cells are generated from both chemical or energetic insults. A common example of an energetic insult is our continued exposure to harmful EM fields, like those from microwave ovens, X-rays and cell phones. Chemical insults are often introduced into the body from the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe.  Chemical toxins are the most problematic because they produce direct damage at the biochemical level.

According to contemporary physics, all “black bodies” including biochemicals and toxic chemicals, emit EM fields. Therefore, when we are sick, there are numerous harmful frequencies distributed throughout our bodies which are generated from chemical toxins, harmful EM fields and harmful microorganisms. When the insults accumulate to a high level where the body cannot neutralize them, we become physically stressed. If the mind can’t cope with the situation, we become psychologically stressed. This type of illness cannot be healed by the use of drugs or even nutraceutical herbs. Harmful frequencies in the body can only be neutralized by applying antidote frequencies which are 180 degrees out of phase with the harmful frequencies. Since antidote frequencies can also be stored in water, remedies containing these frequencies can have a profound effect on healing the body. Remedies with antidote frequencies and herbs are rare in the nutraceutical industry, but allow healing at the chemical and energetic levels.