

The website is edited by:

Publishing Director:

Frederic Roscop

Aequil Living Inc Ltd

33B Beauchamp Place, London, SW3 1NU

United Kingdom

Webmaster / Web Agency

Alive Studios Ltd


The website is hosted at Webflow in United States.


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This website may contain information provided by third parties or links to other websites which have not been developed by Aequil Living Inc Ltd.. The existence of a connection between this website and other websites does not imply a validation of these websites’ content. Aequil Living Inc Ltd. will not be liable for the content of other websites.


This website provides general information relating to Aequil Living Inc Ltd. and its products and services. Aequil Living Inc Ltd. shall not be responsible for any error or omission contained on the website.

Aequil Living Inc Ltd. may, at any time, temporarily or permanently suspend the access to any or some parts of this website. Aequil Living Inc Ltd. will not be liable for any suspension or deletion of the access to this website or any modification of any or some parts of its content.

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Last update: June 2023