
Together we create a well of knowledge. Aequil is our platform for continual discovery and innovation, education, science and design, where old transforms into new.

Aequil at the 2022 Water Conference


In October 2022, aequil founder, Frédéric Roscop, left his practice in Knightsbridge, London, to travel to Bad Soden for the 15th annual Water Conference.

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The future of drugs is digital: improving the accuracy and repeatability of digital drugs.


Many researchers, companies and laboratories have become interested in the field of quantum therapy, digital drugs and energetic medicine.

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How are our bodies affected by what is in and around us? And furthermore; do foreign bodies affect our biofield and our health? By Dr. Glen Rein


As many as 50% of all the cells in our body belong to the Microbiome and are therefore not human cells.

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The Body Electric by Dr. Glen Rein


The body and all its organs, cells and molecules are electrochemical in nature.

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Aequil at the 2022 Water Conference


In October 2022, aequil founder, Frédéric Roscop, left his practice in Knightsbridge, London, to travel to Bad Soden for the 15th annual Water Conference.

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How are our bodies affected by what is in and around us? And furthermore; do foreign bodies affect our biofield and our health? By Dr. Glen Rein


As many as 50% of all the cells in our body belong to the Microbiome and are therefore not human cells.

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The Body Electric by Dr. Glen Rein


The body and all its organs, cells and molecules are electrochemical in nature.

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The future of drugs is digital: improving the accuracy and repeatability of digital drugs.


Many researchers, companies and laboratories have become interested in the field of quantum therapy, digital drugs and energetic medicine.

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